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Club Wealth Coaching

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Janis Tolbert

Tier 1 Coach


Janis is a full-time realtor and has put a lot of work and education into learning about her profession in the past 10 plus years and in turn, is able to educate buyers and sellers. She is supportive of her office and the community. Her residential sales career was a success, partly due to her knowledge of the industry, her ability to get along with people, and educating them in home buying and selling. She has lived in Alaska for 30 years, married for 28 years and a mother of two, a son who is a veteran of the United States Marine Corp and a daughter, who teaches Elementary Education. Janis described being a mother and working with clients as very similar in having to be understanding, patient and firm all at once in-order to grow healthy relationships.

16 years
Price Range (last 24 months)
$99K – $335K

Why I am Qualified to be Your Coach...

I worked for a corporate company prior to getting into real estate. This training has taught me how to relate to all customers and how to provide excellent service to my real estate and coaching clients. I have sold over 300 homes in my career. I attribute this success to being persistent, driven and practical. I create systems that will propel my business and then work the systems. In spite of Covid I have doubled my business and implemented additional systems to keep my business moving forward to accomplish my goals. My clients love me for my no nonsense practical advise. I’m am extremely grateful to Club Wealth and the Coaches for providing me the systems, tools and business education to move to the next level.

My Perfect Client

My perfect client is someone who has the desire and want to learn and who not afraid of doing the work required to get to the next level. Has a willingness to complete the homework and is willing to take tough love when it’s warranted.

Why Choose Club Wealth®?

Club Wealth is an amazing company that has many educated businesses clients who have taught and continue to teach me how to run my business as a business. I’m extremely thankful for the Coaches for providing me the systems, tools and business education to move to the next level. Did I mention Club Wealth is an amazing Company?

Fun Fact

People ask me how did I end up in Alaska? Well, my parents moved us here from Charleston, SC and I was kicking and screaming the entire way. However this is a beautiful state and Now I can’t imagine living anywhere else. I’ve lived here for over 34 years.

1 On 1 Coaching

Club Wealth® provides five levels of 1 on 1 coaching targeted specifically to your current production levels and aspirations.

Group Coaching

Having coached roughly 60 of the top 200 agents in the world, and coached, trained, and consulted with thousands of others, Club Wealth® coaches…

Strategy Session

Our Strategy Session provides the answers to your questions about overcoming obstacles, hurdles, and the objections you face daily in the real estate industry.


Read and hear real-life testimonials about how our coaching system has helped thousands of people aspire to produce and earn more income in real estate.

Regional & National Events

Register for upcoming Club Wealth® events in your area. Register early, space is limited!


Listing Agent Boot Camp™

What is Listing Agent Boot Camp?

Listing Agent Boot Camp™ is a 2-day experiential event that’s part conference, part mastermind. We have created a hybrid real estate event that combines the elements of a mastermind setting with on-site learning.

Business Strategy Mastermind Conference™

What is a Mastermind Conference?

A 2-day experiential event that’s a part conference, part mastermind. We’ve even included our Buyer Agent Boot Camp™ Experience exclusively for buyers agents!

Mastermind in Paradise™

What is Mastermind in Paradise?

An EXCLUSIVE 4-day event is full of Masterminding and Networking with top agents in the country. Enjoy growing your business while taking a break and relaxing! Only available to those in Tier 3 or higher.

Monthly Challenges

Register to participate in monthly Real Estate Challenges with other agents around the country.
